Requirements helps you collect important user information with mandatory fields.
The Requirements feature is a set of information fields that you have to complete to perform an action. This guarantees you'll collect all the necessary information for your registrations or amenities.
Use requirements when you want to make sure:
- The member completed their profile information
- The member has read and signed off on a waiver
- The member has verified their email address, required for email notifications connecting the member to many 3rd-party integrations.
The requirements feature has the following standard options:
- Name
- Profile picture
- Phone number
- Company name
When a member updates the information from the requirements feature, their user profile information is updated automatically.
When you want a member to sign a waiver or complete a form, link to another piece of content—the content should already be published before you link to it.
Select the blue plus next to add required content and select an interactive content item the member must fill out and submit before they can complete this interaction.
If you're creating forms or surveys with more specific information, try using data input fields instead.
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