A Meeting Room is a type of amenity that members can reserve for a meeting. Members can book based on minimum and maximum time limits, invite guests, check-in and check-out, or it can require an approval by an office administrator.
How are Meeting Rooms created?
Each Meeting Room is created as an interactive Page that describes the properties of the room, and has interactive features configured based on the requirements for reserving the room.
The following template can be used as a basis for a Meeting Room:
Interactive Features
The main feature of this scenario is Reservable, but other interactive features work together:
Reservable: This controls the length of time the room can be booked for, the maximum and minimum time slots a member can book, times when the room is available, and various other team-specific settings.
Statuses: This feature adds an approval process before the room can be booked.
QR-Code Scanning: This feature adds the ability for members to self check-in/check-out of the meeting room.
Invite Guests: This feature allows invited guests to be notified by email about the reservation and include information for how to find the room and other instructions.
Submit on Behalf Of: The feature allows Workplace Admins to reserve the room on behalf of a member.
Outlook/Google Calendar Sync: This feature integrations with the meeting room calendar in Outlook or Google to prevent double booking. If the room is booked through either platform, it cannot be booked by another member at the same time.
Cancelling: This controls how and when a member may cancel a reservation.
Data Inputs
The main purpose of a Meeting Room is to get members to reserve for the times they want to use it.
The Data Inputs should be based on the information you need from them:
Name, company, and contact details of the member,
Any special requests for equipment setup, catering, or accessibility.
Workflow messages can be created to communicate important information with the member about the meeting room such as:
Confirmation of the registration,
Email directions to any invited guests,
Send a reminder before the registration time starts,
Send a notification to the cleaning crew after the registration time has ended.
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