Read time: 10 minutes
The Tenant Sentiment Survey offers a quick and easy way to keep a pulse on your tenant’s sentiment and satisfaction. This survey is intended for Tenants and includes 10 pre-populated questions. Use this survey to send these predetermined questions to act as a benchmark over time so you can evaluate the analytics at a building or portfolio level.
Creating the Tenant Sentiment Survey
To create a Tenant Sentiment Survey, you first need to create a new post. Navigate to the Admin portal, and then to the Content Center.
Select New Post, then VTS Templates. Navigate to Surveys, and select Property Satisfaction Survey. Then select Use Template.
Edit the data and image in the Info Step as desired, and proceed to the Editor step.
Once you are in the Editor step, note that the Interactive box is already checked, and Surveys is already enabled under Features. Note that Include Company is automatically checked for you, and it is recommended that you keep this enabled.
Review the survey questions in the Data tab. We recommend using the pre-populated questions as the consistency will provide the best portfolio-level analytics and reporting for overtime benchmarks.
- The three-line hamburger icon in the “Data” tab allows you to reorder questions, but this won’t apply to the final experience for end-users. To reorder questions for the end-user experience, visit the Layout tab.
- Pre-populated questions cannot be edited.
- You can choose to add additional data fields here as well by clicking the plus (+) icon. (Learn more)
Next, select the Layout tab. The pre-populated survey questions will already be in place with a content template, however you can edit the template to your liking. You can reorder the questions here to impact the view for the end user, but it will not impact the order of the questions for reporting. You can also return to the Info step and adjust the pre-populated content as needed.
Note that if you remove a question in the Layout view, it will still appear in the Data view of the content editor. This is to help with portfolio-level aggregation and benchmarking. A prompt will appear to notify that a data field is not being used. This is just a safety net in case this removal is not intentional. Just publish and process.
Finish the post using the Targeting step to send your survey to the right audience, and in the Publish step, schedule the post and include any push notifications. Recipients will receive an email with the survey, which will take them to the survey page. They can fill it out on their mobile device or their desktop.
Adding Additional Survey Questions
You can add your own questions in the Data tab by clicking the plus (+) icon next to Data Fields, however, note that:
- Any additions outside of the pre-populated questions will not be available for detailed and over-time analytics.
- Added questions will not be included in aggregated portfolio-level and over-time analytics.
Select an Input Type
You can choose from the following question types:
- Text
- Long text
- Number
- Choose one from a list (radio button)
- Choose many from a list (checkboxes)
- Choose one from a dropdown
- Choose a number from a slider
- Choose a number using buttons
- Email address
- Phone number
- Website
- Yes / No
- Currency amount
- Select a date
- Select a time of day
- Select a date and time
- Select a date range
- Select a date with time range
- Select a time range
- Percentage
- Upload an attachment
Name: The name of your input field (or the question you want to ask, such as "Unit Number", or "Please tell us more about why you answered this way."
Placeholder text: This text will appear in the box and indicate to your users what to enter.
Validation: Choose whether or not a field is required.
Dependency Rules: This means that the question will only be visible if certain conditions are met. Click Add Dependency Rule to add conditions. For example, you can set an additional feedback box to appear if the user indicates a low satisfaction score. Here, you can see a dependency rule that indicates this question will only appear if the user selects a "1" to answer "How Satisfied are you with the building's facilities?".
Security: This determines whether or not the end user can update data. Choose whether or not the end user can input this field, and whether or not your team can edit and update this field.
Once you have added a question, and added it to the survey in the Layout step, you will see a pencil icon indicating your ability to edit the question.
Member View
See below for how the survey will appear to your team Members.
Analyzing Tenant Sentiment
Post Analytics
Navigate to the Tenant sentiment survey in the Content Center, then to the Analytics tab. Here you can see the Post analytics, such as impressions, views, interactions, engagement by company, and engagement by time of day.
To view an analysis of the results of the survey, navigate to the Tenant Sentiment Dashboard in the Insights and Reports section.
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