The registration form is essential for visitor management. It's the process taken by Members to create visitor passes for their guests. The registration form uses Activate's content builder to curate the look and function.
Creating a new registration form
When creating a new registration form, the process should look familiar. It uses VTS Activate's Content Builder.
The Info step is the same workflow as any other piece of content made in Activate.
The Editor step is initially blank with just a Submit button. There is a warning at the top of the page that Visitors and Schedule are missing from the layout. Double-click them in the content block selector to add them to your form.
General Settings
To edit the form's settings, navigate to Features. Under Visitor Management > General you determine what information is required, optional, or hidden from the form.
Allow Bulk Import if you want members to see the option to batch import visitor details on the desktop. This option is not available on the mobile app.
Toggle on Host selection if the host can be designated as someone other than the creator of the pass. The Host information content block must be added to the layout if utilized.
Notes and Notifications allow your members to enter optional notes to your staff or visitors when creating a pass. If either Notes to staff or Notes to visitors are toggled on, the Notes content block must be added to the layout. There is a 200-character limit on each note.
Scheduling Options
Under Scheduling options, select the type of schedule. Choose between Date Range or Recurring.
- Date Range: Allow visitor passes to be used within a date range.
- Recurring: Allow visitor passes to be repeated for a set number of times or an end date.
Schedule in advance allows you to limit how far into the future visitor passes can be generated.
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