Approving Amenity Bookings in the Tenant Main Contact Portal
In this guide, you will learn how to approve or reject amenity bookings inside the Tenant Main Contact portal.
Step 1
After logging into your Tenant Portal select Reservations from either the Features drop-down or the Reservations tab.
Step 2
Here you will see a list of reservations as well as their status. Select any Pending reservations to Confirm or Reject.
Step 3
Select Reject or Confirm in the lower right corner.
Rejecting a reservation will prompt a box and require a reason to be given. The occupant will be notified of the rejection and reason. |
Step 4
After confirming the reservation, a Confirm Booking box will pop up requiring any fees paid and any remaining balance due to be entered. If no fee is required, simply enter 0. Select Submit when completed.
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