Creating and Managing Forms
Forms are custom form builders that are a fantastic way to gather information from your staff and residents. In this article, you will learn how to:
This is found within Engagement, and then Forms.
The Forms Page
By selecting Create New Form in the upper corner, we can start making a form for our Residents.
Creating and Sending a Form
Step 1
Enter the Title and Description of the form.
Title: The public-facing name of the Form
Form Description: This is where to put the context of the form. Who should fill it out, how they should fill it out, and any legal information for the form.
Step 2
Next, who is this form for and where is it going after completion?
- Do You Want To Allow Respondents to Edit the Form? This allows end users to edit aspects of the form after submitting.
- Respondents (Resident or Staff): This allows the form to only be seen by the correct end users. Here we are able to select specific Resident Type, Tag, Individual Resident, and Assignment Groups.
- Do You Want To Send an Email Notification When Someone Responds? Every time this form is filled out, an automatic email from Rise will be sent to any email CC'd on the form.
- Do You Want To Allow Multiple Responses From Respondents? This allows the respondents to respond to the form multiple times. This is a great option of you are using forms for your teams to log what happened during their shift.
Step 3
Next, add questions for users to submit information into. In Activate Multifamily, we currently have the following types of answers available in forms.
Date, Checkbox, Short Answer, Multiple Choice, File Upload, Drop Down, Date Time, Paragraph Answer, and Digital Signature.
Step 4
Additional questions and sections of questions can be added underneath to continue the form as needed. When finished, select Submit in the bottom corner to create the form. Users selected in Step 2 will automatically be notified of the form and be prompted to fill it out.
Manage and Edit Existing Forms
After selecting a form is the Form Detail page. Select Edit.
Example of the edit screen
It is essential to select the Save Changes button at the bottom right corner for the edits to save in the platform and be visible to your residents.
Viewing Resident Responses to a Form
After selecting a form is the Form Detail page. Select Responses. Here is a table of all the individual responses by Residents.
To find more details on how the resident responded to the form, select the 3 dots and details.
To delete a response is also in this drop-down:
Copy Embed Link
Forms are able to be deep-linked into other places in the app like Amenity Descriptions. This deep link will bring users from the page they are on to the form, prompting them to fill it out.
After selecting the form and arriving on its details page, select Copy Embed Link.
This is the link to be used in other areas of the app (Amenity Description, Events, Discover Links, and News Posts) directing users to complete the form.
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