Work Order Reporting for Commercial Properties
From your Admin Portal, you're able to view work order reports based on status, billing, date, or category. In this article you will learn:
- Filtering Work Orders to Generate a Report
- Work Order Insights Report
- Additional Reports under Reporting
Filtering Work Orders to Generate a Report
Step 1
After logging into the Admin Portal, select Operations from the side menu and select Work Orders.
Step 2
Select Filters next to the Service Number search towards the top of the screen.
Step 3
Choose the filtering options you are looking to apply to the data, and then select Apply filters.
Tenant: Allows you to filter Work Orders from a specific Tenant space.
Status: You are able to filter by status: Pending Approval, To Be Started, In Progress, Completed, and Closed. (Completed will only appear if it is in your work flow).
Billing: Can Filter by Billed or Unbilled Work Orders.
Type: Type allows you to filter by Normal, Emergency, and Preventive Maintenance.
Category: Allows you to filter Work Orders showing only specified Category.
Assigned To: Allows you to view Work Orders assigned either to a specific Assignment Group or Individual Staff.
Date Range: Can use the calendar to designate date range of Work Order data you are looking to collect.
Step 4
After the Work Order data is filtered the way you would like, select More in the upper corner, then Export as CSV or Export as PDF from the drop-down. This will download the report.
Work Order Insights Report
The Work Order Insights Report will provide you with visibility into trends of work order creation/completion, staffing efficiency to start and complete work orders, and which tenants are creating work orders.
- Work Order Created / Completed: Shows the number of work orders created and completed in the time frame. With this data, you can track if there has been a large increase in work orders being created and track to see if work orders are being completed at the same rate.
- Average Hours to Start: Shows the number of hours between when a work order is created and when staff begin working on the request. With this data, you can see if it is taking your staff longer to start work orders. If there is an increase in this time, it might indicate that you need more staff to get work orders started more quickly.
- Average Hours to Complete: Show the number of hours between when a work order is created and when the work is completed. This allows you to see if it is taking longer to complete work orders at your property. If you see an increase in this time, it might signal that work orders are not being finished efficiently.
- Hours to Start and Hours to Complete Over Time: This is a trend graph to see how these two metrics are changing over the month. This gives you an understanding on if your staff are doing better at starting the work orders quickly and if your staff are completing the work order in an appropriate time frame.
- Tenant Work Order: Allows you to view which of your tenants are creating the most amount of work orders, how long it takes (on average) to complete a work order for that tenant, and the rating that the tenant gives. With this data, you can see what tenants might be having the most issues with at your property and how they are rating their experience with work orders.
- Work Orders Completed with Ratings: This shows the number of work orders that were completed that have received a rating.
- Rating Average: Shows the average of the ratings given by tenants.
Additional Reports can be generated under Reporting
Step 1
In the side navigation, select Advanced then Reports. This will open a drop-down with the additional reports available to you.
Step 2
Each Report will have a filter at the top of the screen that allows you to select a specific start and end date, categories, or even use a predefined date range.
Step 3
To download the report, select the hamburger menu in the corner of the report graph. You are able to print the chart or download as a PNG, JPEG, SVG vector image, or PDF.
Work Order Closed Per Staff
This report will show how many Work Orders each of their staff members have closed. This report can help provide insight into how who is closing out Work Orders at the property and how many they are closing.
Total Work Orders Created By Tenant
This report will show the total amount of Work Orders submitted by a tenant space based on filtering at the top. This is a great way for Property Admins to quickly see how many Work Orders a tenant space at the property are submitting.
Total Work Orders By Location
This report will show the total number of Work Orders submitted by location at the property based on the filtering at the top. This provides the Property Admin with great data on what locations at the property have needed the most service by their maintenance team.
Created v/s Closed Work Orders
This report will show the amount of Work Orders that are closed versus open at the property. This report provides great data to see how many Work Orders are sitting in an open status versus a closed status.
Work Orders Per Category
This report will show the Work Orders submitted per category based on the filtering options at the top. The data in this report can show the property admin what Work Order categories have the most request submitted for work to be completed by the maintenance staff.
Chargeable Work Orders
This report will show all of the chargeable Work Orders. Property admins can export this data as invoices or download it as a CSV. Additional information can be view for an individual Work Order charge by selecting the Service ID.
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