Create and Manage Your Management Posts
Using the Management Post feature is a great way to engage your building in conversation, hear the opinions of your occupants, and share any building updates quickly and effortlessly. There is no limit to how many newsfeed posts can be created.
In this article, you will learn how to:
- Create a Management Post
- Manage Management Posts
- Enable and Disable Your Users to Create Community Posts
- Approve and Reject Occupant Newsfeed Posts
- Enable and Disable Commenting on Management Posts
- Run a CSV Report of Community Posts
- Review Community Post Activity
- Manage Polls
How to Create a Management Post
Step 1
After logging into your property's Admin Portal, select Engagement from the menu on the left side. Next, select Community. Finally, select Add News from the upper right corner.
Step 2
Create your management post.
- Title: There is a 150-character limit on Newsfeed post titles.
- Category: Designate if this post is normal or emergency.
- Normal Management Posts: The most common way to send out standard updates.
- Emergency Management Posts: In case of an emergency, this option will post your emergency notice and a push notification will be accompanied by a standard emergency warning sound effect.
- Show this post on the home screen indefinitely: This function will keep your management post on the landing page or home screen carousel. If this is not selected, the post will show on the homepage for 14 days. All newsfeed posts are automatically added to the homepage, whether you select Show this post on home screen indefinitely or not. There is no limit to how many posts can show on the homepage, but posts fall off after 14 days if "indefinitely" isn't checked. (You can also set an expiration date for posts).
- Notify Occupants via SMS? (Carrier charges might apply): Select to notify occupants of new management posts via text messages.
- Notify Users via Email: Select to send this update as an email as well.
- Notify PMs via Email: This will send your management post to all other individuals located under Staff Management > Property Managers.
- Add a link button: Insert a hyperlink to your update.
- Attach File(s): VTS Rise supports both PDF and Images as attachments to your management post. If you add multiple files, these will become a carousel on the management post.
VTS Rise recommends using a 16:9 ratio for management post photos. |
Step 3
Schedule your posts for a future date.
You can also schedule your post to automatically post to the platform on a specific date and time in the future. Simply select the Schedule for Later button and then select Choose Date & Time to open the calendar.
Note: When posting or scheduling a post, the time will automatically be set to the specified time zone of the property. |
Step 4
Set an expiration date for your posts.
A post can be automatically removed from the platform on a specific date and time by selecting Choose Date & Time under Expiry Date & Time to open the calendar.
Step 5
Images and PDFs can be attached to Management Posts. Select either the PDF or Camera icon to open your saved files and select the file you wish to attach.
Step 6
Designate whom you would like to view the post.
- Default: All occupants on the property will be able to view updates.
- Tags: Only viewable to occupants and/or tenants with the selected tag.
- Occupant Types: Posts will only be viewable to the selected occupant type.
- Specific Occupants: Select individual occupants to view the update.
- Staff Roles: Posts will only be viewable to staff roles selected.
- Assignment Category: Those who have assignments under the selected category will only be viewable.
You may select multiple options if applicable. I.E. Tags and Staff Roles. |
Step 7
Select Preview to view your update in full.
Step 8
Select Post.
Upon selecting Post, your update will be made available on the platform for occupants to view and a push notification will be sent out, notifying them of the new post.
- With the exception of Emergency Management Posts, occupants must have push notifications enabled to receive a notification.
- If you edit or deactivate the update, the platform will not send out an additional push notification. You must recreate the update for the new push notification.
Managing Management Posts
Step 1
Select Engagement from the navigation menu. Next, select Community.
Step 2
Select the newsfeed feature you would like to manage.
- News: View, edit, or delete management updates. Approve, reject, or delete occupant community & marketplace posts.
- Polls: View, edit, or delete management polls
- Marketplace: Approve, reject, or delete occupant marketplace posts.
Step 3
To edit, approve, activate, or delete a newsfeed or marketplace post, select the three dots to the right of the post.
- Delete: Removes the post from the occupant view as well as the property manager portal.
- Deactivate: Removes the post from occupant view, while leaving it on the property manager portal.
- Reactivate: If a post is deactivated, you can reactivate it at a later time.
Note: When editing Newsfeed posts after publication, it will prompt you to confirm that you want to resend notifications for the post. |
How to Enable and Disable Your Users to Create Community Posts
Occupant types allow you to assign feature sets to your occupants. Tenants at your property may have more permissions than an individual designated as an Occupant. This article will explain how to assign the feature that will allow your occupants to create community posts.
Step 1
Select Operations in the navigation menu. Next select Occupant Management and then Occupants.
Step 2
Select Occupant Type on the top menu. Next select Add Occupant Type.
Step 3
Create a title for the occupant type. Next, select the features that the occupant type will have access to. To allow access to community posts, select Community. These grant access to news posts, polls, events, and the marketplace.
To require approval from staff before a community post goes live on the platform, select Settings, then Property Settings. Select Property Services from the upper navigation. Under Engagement, select Require PM approval for new posts. |
Step 4
Once the specific features are assigned to an occupant type, you can assign occupants to those types, allowing them to access the assigned features. Select Operations and then Occupants. Add a new occupant including all required information. Next, select the occupant type from the Assign a Type drop-down menu. Finally, select Submit.
Approving and Rejecting Occupant Newsfeed Posts
If your property allows occupants to post to the newsfeed, these steps will show the property manager how to approve or reject occupant posts.
Step 1
Select Engagement in the navigation menu, and then Community.
Step 2
Select the News Feed feature you would like to approve posts from.
- News: View, Approve, reject, or delete community posts.
- Marketplace: Approve, reject, or delete occupant marketplace posts.
Step 3
To View, Approve, Reject, or Comment on an Occupants newsfeed or marketplace post, select the three dots to the right of the post.
- Reject: Once rejected, you will not be able to approve later. If you would like the occupant to make a change to their post first, we recommend using the comment field at the bottom of the post. When rejecting a post, you will be prompted to enter a reason.
- This reason will be shared with the occupant so they are aware it was rejected and why.
- Comment: This allows you to comment directly on the occupant's post and sends them a notification about the comment. When commenting on a Pending Approval post, the comments will not be public-facing upon approving the post. The comments will remain on the management view.
- Deactivate: Removes the post from occupant view, while leaving it on the property manager portal.
- Delete: Removes the post from the occupant view as well as the property manager portal.
How to Enable and Disable Commenting on Management Posts
Note: Comments are all or nothing. If Comments are enabled, all Occupants will be able to comment on Management Newsfeed posts. If comments are disabled, no Occupant will be able to leave a comment. |
Step 1
In the navigation menu, select Settings then Property Settings.
Step 2
In the upper navigation, select Property Services.
Step 3
Locate the setting Occupants can comment on posts and either select or deselect the checkbox next to the setting. Select Save Changes when complete.
- Checked: All Occupants can comment on Management Newsfeed posts
- Unchecked: No Occupant can comment on Management Newsfeed posts
How to Run a CSV Report of Community Posts
Step 1
Select Engagement in the navigation menu, and then Community.
Step 2
Select the three dots to the right of the post. This will open a drop-down menu. Select Export Likes as CSV from the drop-down menu.
Step 3
Your CSV file will automatically download to your computer.
How to Review Community Post Activity (Comments/Likes)
You're able to see how many views, likes, and comments your posts receive on the admin portal. |
Step 1
Select Engagement in the navigation menu, and then Community.
Step 2
To see who liked, and commented, as well as their comments on the post, select the three dots to the right of the post, then choose Details.
You can also see community post activity by selecting the title of the news post. |
Step 3
Scroll down to view any comments, when they were posted, and who posted them. You can delete any inappropriate comments.
Step 4
To reply to a comment, enter your message and then select the arrow to post it.
Step 5
To see the commenter's information, select their name. This will display their contact information should you need to reach out or get additional feedback.
Step 6
Scroll down and select Likes to see who liked your post.
Managing Polls
In the poll management section of your admin portal, you can view responses to polls, edit, deactivate, delete, or reactivate existing polls.
Create a New Poll
Polls are single-question, multiple response surveys that can be used to get a quick pulse check on your community. While admins can see who and how each occupant responded, users, will only see an aggregate of responses.
Step 1
From your property's admin Admin Portal, select Create New Poll from your dashboard.
Note: You can also access and create a poll, by selecting: Engagement from the side menu, followed by Community. Select Polls from the top menu of the Community Management page. |
Step 2
Enter your poll question and responses.
Step 3
A poll can be automatically removed from the platform on a specific date and time by selecting Choose Date & Time under Expiry Date & Time to open the calendar.
Step 4
You can also schedule your poll to automatically post to the platform on a specific date and time in the future. Simply select the Schedule for Later button and then select Choose Date & Time to open the calendar.
Step 5
Once you choose your date and time, select Apply to save your selection.
Step 6
- If you would like the poll to be available to the entire building population, select Allow everyone to view this poll.
- If you would like to curate a specific group to take the poll, de-select Allow everyone to view this poll and select the Tags or other filter options you would like to view that specific poll.
New to Tags? Check out our guide on Tags to learn more. |
Step 7
To post your poll, select Add.
View Poll Responses
Step 1
In your property's admin Admin Portal, select Engagement and Community from the left side menu to access the poll management screen. Select Polls from the top bar.
Step 2
Select the poll for which you wish to view the responses. Or select the three dots on the right side to open a drop-down menu and then select Details.
Step 3
View the aggregate response at the top of the screen or scroll down to view individual responses.
Pro-tip: You can select the individual's name to view their contact info directly from the poll management page. This makes it easy and convenient to follow up with individuals when required. |
Edit Existing Polls
Step 1
In your property's admin Admin Portal, select Engagement and Community from the left side menu to access the poll management screen. Select Polls from the top bar.
Step 2
Select the 3 dots to the right of the poll you wish to edit, followed by Edit.
Step 3
Make any edits and select Save Changes.
Delete, Deactivate, or Reactivate an Existing Poll
Step 1
In your property's admin Admin Portal, select Engagement and Community from the left side menu to access the poll management screen. Select Polls from the top bar.
Step 2
Select the box next to the poll(s) you wish to delete, deactivate, or reactivate. This will open a blue Select Action drop-down box.
Note: You can select multiple polls at one time, by selecting the box to the left of the appropriate polls. |
Step 3
Select the Select Action drop-down box at the bottom left corner of the screen and select your desired action.
- Delete: Removes the poll from both the user experience and the poll management page in your property's admin portal.
- Deactivate: Removes the poll from the user experience, but maintains the poll on the poll management page in your property's admin portal.
- Reactivate: This allows the poll to be viewable to the users after previously deactivating.
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