Forms are an easy way for you to submit various information, including surveys, activity logs, and any type of collection form/waiver. This article will explain how to access and submit forms.
In Web-Browser
Step 1
After logging into the portal, select Forms under the Features heading.
Step 2
Any forms that require attention will be located here, under Pending. To respond to a pending form, select that form to open it.
Step 3
Once you've completed filling in the required information, select Submit to send the form.
Step 4
Once completed, the form will be located under the Submitted tab.
Step 1
Select the Features icon in the lower, right corner of the app.
Step 2
Select Forms to access any available forms.
Step 3
Any forms that require attention will be located here, under Pending. To respond to a pending form, select that form to open it.
Step 4
Once you've completed filling in the required information, select Submit to send the form.
Step 5
Once completed, the form will be located under the Submitted tab.
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